
Do you harvest forest trees that you or someone else will sell? If so, you might qualify to buy some equipment and supplies without paying sales or use tax. This is called the logging exemption.

Are you a lumber manufacturer instead? See Lumber Manufacturing: Production Exemption.


Selling timber you harvest or vendors selling to loggers

Businesses That Qualify

For the exemption

Purchases That Qualify

For the exemption

Change Use

Of an exempt item

Taxable Items

Even with a logging exemption

Buyer’s Responsibility

To keep records, pay use tax

Exemption Certificates

Laws and Rules

City Sales Taxes

Some Idaho resort cities have a local sales tax in addition to the state sales tax. These local sales taxes are sometimes also referred to as local “option” taxes because the taxes are decided by the voters in the community affected. 

Resort cities have a choice in what’s taxed and can include everything that’s subject to the state sales tax. Some, but not all, choose to limit the local sales tax to lodging, alcohol by the drink, and restaurant food.

Cities with local sales taxes

Contact the following cities directly for questions about their local sales tax:

Related information

Laws and rules

Learn more about local sales tax for cities:

Sales and Use Tax Guides

Guide Name Revision Date
Bad Debt - Sales Tax Refund Claims in the Auto Industry 11-08-2016
Common Additional Charges for Property and Services 05-06-2024
Due Dates for Sales/Use, Travel & Convention, Greater Boise Auditorium District, E911, and Withholding - flyer 02-23-2022
Municipal Wastewater Gathering Systems, Distribution Systems and Treatment Plants 05-22-2019
House Bill 578: Out-of-State Retailers 08-06-2018
Outfitters (#18) 04-02-2007
Sales and Use Tax Bracket Schedule 6% - chart 08-31-2006
Understanding a Sales and Use Tax Audit 06-26-2024
Vehicles & Vessels: Exemption Certificates 12-04-2018
Vehicles and Vessels: Repairs 07-01-2019
Vehicles and Vessels: Taxable Sales Price 06-04-2019