Ratio Studies

Ratio Study is an annual statistical study of the relationship between assessed values and market value.

About Ratio Studies

Idaho law requires that all property be assessed at market value. The Idaho State Tax Commission is responsible for making sure each county assessor is assessing property at market value. To do this, the Tax Commission conducts annual ratio studies in each county. These are used to evaluate the assessment process in the counties and to determine the maximum property tax that can be levied by one school district.

The 102 is an annual statistical study of the relationship between assessed values and market value. This study is done by the Tax Commission primarily to ensure that locally assessed property is assessed at market value as required by law. A ratio study is also conducted in the Boise School District to determine the maximum property tax that district can levy.

By comparing assessed values with sale prices, the ratio study provides measurements of assessment level and uniformity. The results of the study of locally assessed property are reported to the State Board of Equalization (consisting of the tax commissioners), which reviews property assessments in each county annually. Assessed values in categories of property that fail to meet standards may be subject to additional review or adjustment by the State Board of Equalization.

Contact us if you have questions on budget and levy.