How to Use:
Calculate your tax rate based upon your taxable income (the first two columns).
Year 2024
At least | No more than | Tax rate |
$1 | $4,673 | 0.0% |
$4,674 | 5.695% |
At least | No more than | Tax rate |
$1 | $9,346 | 0.0% |
$9,347 | 5.695% |
Year 2023
At least | No more than | Tax rate |
$1 | $4,489 | 0.0% |
$4,490 | 5.8% |
At least | No more than | Tax rate |
$1 | $8,978 | 0.0% |
$8,979 | 5.8% |
Year 2022
(Index formula: 1.662)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,662 | $0.00 | plus 1.0% of the amount over $0 |
$1,662 | $4,987 | $16.62 | plus 3.0% of the amount over $1,662 |
$4,987 | $8,311 | $116.36 | plus 4.5% of the amount over $4,987 |
$8,311 | $265.96 | plus 6.0% of the amount over $8,311 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $3,324 | $0.00 | plus 1.0% of the amount over $0 |
$3,324 | $9,974 | $33.24 | plus 3.0% of the amount over $3,324 |
$9,974 | $16,622 | $232.72 | plus 4.5% of the amount over $9,974 |
$16,622 | $531.92 | plus 6.0% of the amount over $16,622 |
Year 2021
(Index formula: 1.588)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,588 | $0.00 | plus 1.0% of the amount over $0 |
$1,588 | $4,763 | $15.88 | plus 3.1% of the amount over $1,588 |
$4,763 | $6,351 | $114.32 | plus 4.5% of the amount over $4,763 |
$6,351 | $7,939 | $185.77 | plus 5.5% of the amount over $6,351 |
$7,939 | $273.10 | plus 6.5% of the amount over $7,939 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $3,176 | $0.00 | plus 1.0% of the amount over $0 |
$3,176 | $9,526 | $31.76 | plus 3.1% of the amount over $3,176 |
$9,526 | $12,702 | $228.64 | plus 4.5% of the amount over $9,526 |
$12,702 | $15,878 | $371.54 | plus 5.5% of the amount over $12,702 |
$15,878 | $546.20 | plus 6.5% of the amount over $15,878 |
Year 2020
(Index formula: 1.568)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,568 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$1,568 | $3,136 | $17.64 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,568 |
$3,136 | $4,704 | $66.64 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,136 |
$4,704 | $6,272 | $123.48 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,704 |
$6,272 | $7,840 | $196.00 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,272 |
$7,840 | $11,760 | $284.20 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,840 |
$11,760 | $543.90 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,760 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $3,136 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$3,136 | $6,272 | $35.28 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,136 |
$6,272 | $9,408 | $133.28 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,272 |
$9,408 | $12,544 | $246.96 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,408 |
$12,544 | $15,680 | $392.00 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,544 |
$15,680 | $23,520 | $568.40 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,680 |
$23,520 | $1,087.80 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $23,520 |
Year 2019
(Index formula: 1.541)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,541 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$1,541 | $3,081 | $17.33 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,541 |
$3,081 | $4,622 | $65.47 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,081 |
$4,622 | $6,162 | $121.32 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,622 |
$6,162 | $7,703 | $192.57 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,162 |
$7,703 | $11,554 | $279.22 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,703 |
$11,554 | $534.37 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,554 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $3,082 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$3,082 | $6,162 | $34.66 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,082 |
$6,162 | $9,244 | $130.94 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,162 |
$9,244 | $12,324 | $242.64 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,244 |
$12,324 | $15,406 | $385.14 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,324 |
$15,406 | $23,108 | $558.44 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,406 |
$23,108 | $1,068.74 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $23,108 |
Year 2018
(Index formula: 1.504)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,504 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$1,504 | $3,008 | $16.92 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,504 |
$3,008 | $4,511 | $63.91 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,008 |
$4,511 | $6,015 | $118.42 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,511 |
$6,015 | $7,519 | $187.97 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,015 |
$7,519 | $11,279 | $272.56 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,519 |
$11,279 | $521.63 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,279 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $3,008 | $0.00 | plus 1.125% of the amount over $0 |
$3,008 | $6,016 | $33.84 | plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,008 |
$6,016 | $9,022 | $127.82 | plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,016 |
$9,022 | $12,030 | $236.84 | plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,022 |
$12,030 | $15,038 | $375.94 | plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,030 |
$15,038 | $22,558 | $545.12 | plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,038 |
$22,558 | $1,043.26 | plus 6.925% of the amount over $22,558 |
Year 2017
(Index formula: 1.472)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,472 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,472 | $2,945 | $23.56 | plus 3.6% of the amount over$1,472 |
$2,945 | $4,417 | $76.57 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,945 |
$4,417 | $5,890 | $136.94 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,417 |
$5,890 | $7,362 | $212.03 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,890 |
$7,362 | $11,043 | $301.85 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,362 |
$11,043 | $563.21 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $11,043 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,944 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,944 | $5,890 | $47.12 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,944 |
$5,890 | $8,834 | $153.14 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,890 |
$8,834 | $11,780 | $273.88 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,834 |
$11,780 | $14,724 | $424.06 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,780 |
$14,724 | $22,086 | $603.70 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,724 |
$22,086 | $1,126.42 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $22,086 |
Year 2016
(Index formula: 1.454)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,454 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,454 | $2,908 | $23.26 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,454 |
$2,908 | $4,362 | $75.60 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,908 |
$4,362 | $5,816 | $135.21 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,362 |
$5,816 | $7,270 | $209.36 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,816 |
$7,270 | $10,905 | $298.05 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,270 |
$10,905 | $556.14 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,905 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,908 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,908 | $5,816 | $46.52 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,908 |
$5,816 | $8,724 | $151.20 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,816 |
$8,724 | $11,632 | $270.42 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,724 |
$11,632 | $14,540 | $418.72 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,632 |
$14,540 | $21,810 | $596.10 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,540 |
$21,810 | $1,112.28 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,810 |
Year 2015
(Index formula: 1.452)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,452 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,452 | $2,904 | $23.23 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,452 |
$2,904 | $4,356 | $75.50 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,904 |
$4,356 | $5,808 | $135.03 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,356 |
$5,808 | $7,260 | $209.08 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,808 |
$7,260 | $10,890 | $297.65 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,260 |
$10,890 | $555.38 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,890 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,904 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,904 | $5,808 | $46.46 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,904 |
$5,808 | $8,712 | $151.00 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,808 |
$8,712 | $11,616 | $270.06 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,712 |
$11,616 | $14,520 | $418.16 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,616 |
$14,520 | $21,780 | $595.30 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,520 |
$21,780 | $1,110.76 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,780 |
Year 2014
(Index formula: 1.429)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,429 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,429 | $2,858 | $22.86 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,429 |
$2,858 | $4,287 | $74.30 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,858 |
$4,287 | $5,716 | $132.89 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,287 |
$5,716 | $7,145 | $205.77 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,716 |
$7,145 | $10,718 | $292.94 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,145 |
$10,718 | $546.59 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,718 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,858 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,858 | $5,716 | $45.72 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,858 |
$5,716 | $8,574 | $148.60 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,716 |
$8,574 | $11,432 | $265.78 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,574 |
$11,432 | $14,290 | $411.54 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,432 |
$14,290 | $21,436 | $585.88 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,290 |
$21,436 | $1,093.18 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,436 |
Year 2013
(Index formula: 1.409)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,409 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,409 | $2,818 | $22.54 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,409 |
$2,818 | $4,227 | $73,26 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,818 |
$4,227 | $5,636 | $131.03 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,227 |
$5,636 | $7,045 | $202.89 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,636 |
$7,045 | $10,568 | $288.84 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,045 |
$10,568 | $538.94 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,568 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,818 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,818 | $5,636 | $45,08 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,818 |
$5,636 | $8,454 | $146.52 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,636 |
$8,454 | $11,272 | $262.06 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,454 |
$11,272 | $14,090 | $405.78 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,272 |
$14,090 | $21,136 | $577.68 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,090 |
$21,136 | $1,077.88 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,136 |
Year 2012
(Index formula: 1.380)
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $1,380 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$1,380 | $2,760 | $22.08 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,380 |
$2,760 | $4,140 | $71.76 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,760 |
$4,140 | $5,520 | $128.34 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,140 |
$5,520 | $6,900 | $198.72 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,520 |
$6,900 | $10,350 | $282.90 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $6,900 |
$10,350 | $527.85 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,350 |
At least | Less than | Tax | Rate |
$1 | $2,760 | $0.00 | plus 1.6% of the amount over $0 |
$2,760 | $5,520 | $44.16 | plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,760 |
$5,520 | $8,280 | $143.52 | plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,520 |
$8,280 | $11,040 | $256.68 | plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,280 |
$11,040 | $13,800 | $397.44 | plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,040 |
$13,800 | $20,700 | $565.80 | plus 7.1% of the amount over $13,800 |
$20,700 | $1,055.70 | plus 7.4% of the amount over $20,700 |