Individual Income Tax Rate Schedule

Year 2024


At leastNo more thanTax rate


At leastNo more thanTax rate

Year 2023


At leastNo more thanTax rate


At leastNo more thanTax rate

Year 2022

(Index formula: 1.662)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,662$0.00plus 1.0% of the amount over $0
$1,662$4,987$16.62plus 3.0% of the amount over $1,662
$4,987$8,311$116.36plus 4.5% of the amount over $4,987
$8,311$265.96plus 6.0% of the amount over $8,311


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$3,324$0.00plus 1.0% of the amount over $0
$3,324$9,974$33.24plus 3.0% of the amount over $3,324
$9,974$16,622$232.72plus 4.5% of the amount over $9,974
$16,622$531.92plus 6.0% of the amount over $16,622

Year 2021

(Index formula: 1.588)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,588$0.00plus 1.0% of the amount over $0
$1,588$4,763$15.88plus 3.1% of the amount over $1,588
$4,763$6,351$114.32plus 4.5% of the amount over $4,763
$6,351$7,939$185.77plus 5.5% of the amount over $6,351
$7,939 $273.10plus 6.5% of the amount over $7,939


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$3,176$0.00plus 1.0% of the amount over $0
$3,176$9,526$31.76plus 3.1% of the amount over $3,176
$9,526$12,702$228.64plus 4.5% of the amount over $9,526
$12,702$15,878$371.54plus 5.5% of the amount over $12,702
$15,878 $546.20plus 6.5% of the amount over $15,878

Year 2020

(Index formula: 1.568)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,568$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$1,568$3,136$17.64plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,568
$3,136$4,704$66.64plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,136
$4,704$6,272$123.48plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,704
$6,272$7,840$196.00plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,272
$7,840$11,760$284.20plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,840
$11,760$543.90plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,760


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$3,136$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$3,136$6,272$35.28plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,136
$6,272$9,408$133.28plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,272
$9,408$12,544$246.96plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,408
$12,544$15,680$392.00plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,544
$15,680$23,520$568.40plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,680
$23,520 $1,087.80plus 6.925% of the amount over $23,520

Year 2019

(Index formula: 1.541)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,541$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$1,541$3,081$17.33plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,541
$3,081$4,622$65.47plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,081
$4,622$6,162$121.32plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,622
$6,162$7,703$192.57plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,162
$7,703$11,554$279.22plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,703
$11,554 $534.37plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,554


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$3,082$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$3,082$6,162$34.66plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,082
$6,162$9,244$130.94plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,162
$9,244$12,324$242.64plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,244
$12,324$15,406$385.14plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,324
$15,406$23,108$558.44plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,406
$23,108 $1,068.74plus 6.925% of the amount over $23,108

Year 2018

(Index formula: 1.504)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,504$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$1,504$3,008$16.92plus 3.125% of the amount over $1,504
$3,008$4,511$63.91plus 3.625% of the amount over $3,008
$4,511$6,015$118.42plus 4.625% of the amount over $4,511
$6,015$7,519$187.97plus 5.625% of the amount over $6,015
$7,519$11,279$272.56plus 6.625% of the amount over $7,519
$11,279 $521.63plus 6.925% of the amount over $11,279


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$3,008$0.00plus 1.125% of the amount over $0
$3,008$6,016$33.84plus 3.125% of the amount over $3,008
$6,016$9,022$127.82plus 3.625% of the amount over $6,016
$9,022$12,030$236.84plus 4.625% of the amount over $9,022
$12,030$15,038$375.94plus 5.625% of the amount over $12,030
$15,038$22,558$545.12plus 6.625% of the amount over $15,038
$22,558 $1,043.26plus 6.925% of the amount over $22,558

Year 2017

(Index formula: 1.472)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,472$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,472$2,945$23.56plus 3.6% of the amount over$1,472
$2,945$4,417$76.57plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,945
$4,417$5,890$136.94plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,417
$5,890$7,362$212.03plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,890
$7,362$11,043$301.85plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,362
$11,043 $563.21plus 7.4% of the amount over $11,043


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,944$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,944$5,890$47.12plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,944
$5,890$8,834$153.14plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,890
$8,834$11,780$273.88plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,834
$11,780$14,724$424.06plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,780
$14,724$22,086$603.70plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,724
$22,086 $1,126.42plus 7.4% of the amount over $22,086

Year 2016

(Index formula: 1.454)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,454$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,454$2,908$23.26plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,454
$2,908$4,362$75.60plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,908
$4,362$5,816$135.21plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,362
$5,816$7,270$209.36plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,816
$7,270$10,905$298.05plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,270
$10,905 $556.14plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,905


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,908$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,908$5,816$46.52plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,908
$5,816$8,724$151.20plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,816
$8,724$11,632$270.42plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,724
$11,632$14,540$418.72plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,632
$14,540$21,810$596.10plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,540
$21,810 $1,112.28plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,810

Year 2015

(Index formula: 1.452)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,452$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,452$2,904$23.23plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,452
$2,904$4,356$75.50plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,904
$4,356$5,808$135.03plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,356
$5,808$7,260$209.08plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,808
$7,260$10,890$297.65plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,260
$10,890 $555.38plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,890


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,904$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,904$5,808$46.46plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,904
$5,808$8,712$151.00plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,808
$8,712$11,616$270.06plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,712
$11,616$14,520$418.16plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,616
$14,520$21,780$595.30plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,520
$21,780 $1,110.76plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,780

Year 2014

(Index formula: 1.429)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,429$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,429$2,858$22.86plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,429
$2,858$4,287$74.30plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,858
$4,287$5,716$132.89plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,287
$5,716$7,145$205.77plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,716
$7,145$10,718$292.94plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,145
$10,718 $546.59plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,718


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,858$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,858$5,716$45.72plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,858
$5,716$8,574$148.60plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,716
$8,574$11,432$265.78plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,574
$11,432$14,290$411.54plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,432
$14,290$21,436$585.88plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,290
$21,436 $1,093.18plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,436

Year 2013

(Index formula: 1.409)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,409$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,409$2,818$22.54plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,409
$2,818$4,227$73,26plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,818
$4,227$5,636$131.03plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,227
$5,636$7,045$202.89plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,636
$7,045$10,568$288.84plus 7.1% of the amount over $7,045
$10,568 $538.94plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,568


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,818$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,818$5,636$45,08plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,818
$5,636$8,454$146.52plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,636
$8,454$11,272$262.06plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,454
$11,272$14,090$405.78plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,272
$14,090$21,136$577.68plus 7.1% of the amount over $14,090
$21,136 $1,077.88plus 7.4% of the amount over $21,136

Year 2012

(Index formula: 1.380)


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$1,380$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$1,380$2,760$22.08plus 3.6% of the amount over $1,380
$2,760$4,140$71.76plus 4.1% of the amount over $2,760
$4,140$5,520$128.34plus 5.1% of the amount over $4,140
$5,520$6,900$198.72plus 6.1% of the amount over $5,520
$6,900$10,350$282.90plus 7.1% of the amount over $6,900
$10,350 $527.85plus 7.4% of the amount over $10,350


At leastLess thanTaxRate
$1$2,760$0.00plus 1.6% of the amount over $0
$2,760$5,520$44.16plus 3.6% of the amount over $2,760
$5,520$8,280$143.52plus 4.1% of the amount over $5,520
$8,280$11,040$256.68plus 5.1% of the amount over $8,280
$11,040$13,800$397.44plus 6.1% of the amount over $11,040
$13,800$20,700$565.80plus 7.1% of the amount over $13,800
$20,700 $1,055.70plus 7.4% of the amount over $20,700