Learn more about House Bill 93, Idaho Parental Choice Tax Credit.
Official Government Website

Tax Types and Payment Types

When you pay using Quick Pay or TAP, you’ll need to select a tax type and then a payment type.

For this tax type:Choose from one of these payment types:
Individual Income Tax1. (Return) Payment for my filed tax return
2. (Period) Payment for my past due amount
3. (Amended) Payment for an amended tax return
4. (Account) Full payment for an existing balance
5. (Audit) Payment due for an audit
6. (Estimated Single) Estimated payment for a single filer
7. (Estimated Joint) Estimated payment for a joint filer
8. (Pass-through) Withholding payment for nonresident individual owners
Business Income TaxReturn Payment for original return you just filed
Amended Payment for amended return you’re filing
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Estimated Estimated payment for future tax due
Audit Payment due from an audit
Withholding TaxWithholding Return Payment Payment currently due (Form 910)
Payment Reconcile Payment due (Form 967)
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Audit Payment due from an audit
Sale & Use TaxReturn Payment for a return you just filed
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Audit Payment due from an audit
Amusement DeviceDecal Order Payment currently due for yearly order
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple years
Audit Payment due from an audit
Cigarette Tax Return Payment for a return you just filed
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Application Cigarette manufacturers and wholesalers only: permit application fee
Audit Payment due from an audit
Wine TaxReturn Payment for a return you just filed
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Application For out-of-state wine direct-shippers only: permit application or renewal fee
Audit Payment due from an audit
Any other available tax type in Quick Pay or TAPReturn Payment for a return you just filed
Period Payment for past-due amount
Account Payment for past-due amount for multiple filing periods
Audit Payment due from an audit
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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